Check out this hot stuff my house will never run out of.
Oh dear, stop being seductive and alluring me, you hot, sexy little stuff.
I am so gonna show my unflinching determination to restrain myself from you, just so you know.


In my very own fanciful world, i could be a princess.

Is there a period of time where you feel so down as if you're the only one walking down the pitch black street, everyone encircling you is partying so hard without your presence, just as the whole world abandoned you, and life sucks so much, to the max? That's exactly how i feel right now.
Days filled with tears and sorrow, disappointment and terror of apprehension. I hate being clung to my this phase of life where dreary routines are adhered to and makes me feel so utterly lonesome.

Current priorities:



Nothing else matters. The only resolution is to overcome the present hatred i have and i sternly state that, i need to pick myself up!! I know i can make it through, stronger than ever. I was never this weak and will never be.
I wish i could understand my feelings and the way my mind works.