Rise and shine.
So August will be coming to an end soon in 2 weeks time, so does my current semester. This month has been a considerably great month for me, so far, taking into account of the manageable subjects i'm having, the improvement of bonds with the others, visiting interesting places and all the fun-filled activities.
Oh ya, before i forget, i'd like to emphasize on the significant of regular workout. It's really a great help to me! Not only as a results of the endorphin released that raise my spirits, but the lean bod i possess as well! I have been hitting the gym pretty hard lately, and even if i don't, i'll still workout somewhere else. Nothing beats the feeling of a good workout after a long day and i simply love it. I hope my determination doesn't stop as in committing to have good bod, perseverance is an invaluable asset and i'm proud to say that #ilovemybody. xD The only difficulty that bothers me now is with my diet, which i'll talk about next time. :s

Ignore my woke-up-messy-hair-nerdy-gonna-wash-up look. Thanks.